Fatture Architetti

by Alberto Bellettato



Are you a freelance architect? This app helps you create invoices, pro-forma parcels, quotes or receipts.Functions:- Calculation:> invoice, proforma fee, estimate or receipt starting from the taxable amount> reverse invoice (VAT separation) starting from the taxable total (taxable + INARCASSA and / or INPS)> reverse invoice (excluding VAT and contributions) starting from the total invoice> reverse invoice (unbundling of VAT, contributions and withholding tax) starting from the total expenses (total expenses incurred by the customer, often requested by public bodies)> invoice for withholding clients (companies, companies, professionals) and for individuals> INARCASSA quota and / or separate INPS management (compensation)- Indication of the wording to be reported on the invoice (with references to the law), based on the configuration set- Flat-rate or minimum scheme (2012, 2015, 2016 and 2019)- Facilitated regime for new entrepreneurial initiatives- VAT for cash- Italian, European or non-European customers- Possibility of manual setting of the VAT rate- Calculation of stamp duty- Entry of non-taxable expense reimbursement- Split Payment IVA (splitting of payments)Legislation updated to 2022.The permissions requested (internet access) are used only to display the advertising banners.The paid PRO version is also available without advertising and with various additional features, such as, for example, the ability to save PDFs and send them via email. See the detail page for more information (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.innovationquality.fatturearchitettipro).For any problems encountered and / or suggestions please contact us by email. Thank you!DISCLAIMERInnovationquality expressly excludes any type of guarantee on this product. This software is provided as is, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. All risks deriving from the operation or failure of this calculation software are the responsibility of the User. In no event shall the author of this software be held liable for any direct or indirect damage of any kind (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, interruption of services or loss of data) resulting from the use or impossibility of using the product.PRIVACY POLICYThis app uses google AdMob, an advertising service provided by AdMob Google Inc., which uses device identifiers to personalize content and ads, provide social media functions and analyze your traffic. In addition, Google AdMob provides these identifiers and other information relating to the devices you use to advertising agencies, institutions that perform web data analysis and its social media partners. You can view the details at this address: https://www.google.com/policies/technologies/ads/